After a Debian version has reached EOL (end of life), its repositories go to the Debian archive. Therefore we can use this archive to get packags for our distribution. The syntax for our /etc/apt/sources.list is as follows:

Debian Buster; Ubuntu-based systems. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (use the Debian Wheezy packages) Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (use the Debian Jessie packages) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (use the Debian Stretch packages) For details on supported systems, check SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix. Configuring Debian repositories. SEP sesam provides packages for There is also a cleaner way to add new package repositories on Debian. On Debian operating systems, a special directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is available by default. It is used to make adding new package repositories easier. All you have to do is create a new file with the extension .list in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. Debian 7 (codename: wheezy) Installing repository configuration package Install the repository configuration package, which contains apt (software package manager) configuration files. Supported packages. The packages recommended by the R core team (r-recommended) are updated in the Debian repositories on CRAN upon each new release of R (at least for the main architectures amd64 and i386).

Debian 7 (Wheezy) is the most recent stable version of Debian Linux, released in May 2013. This guide explains how to upgrade your system from Debian 6 (Squeeze) to Debian 7. These steps can be preformed as an in place upgrade on a live system from either a local terminal or SSH session to a remote system.

debian-installer udeb packages Special packages for building customized debian-installer variants. Do not install them on a normal system! Debug packages Packages providing debugging information for executables and shared libraries. Development Development utilities, compilers, development environments, libraries, etc. Documentation Dell OpenManage Ubuntu & Debian Repositories. This is the Dell OpenManage repository for Ubuntu Server LTS and select Debian releases. It is NOT officially supported by Dell and is provided as an unofficial build for customers not able to use our officially supported builds of OMSA for RHEL and SLES. This tutorial explains how to set up an apt repository with the tool reprepro and a Debian Wheezy system. The repository will be served by an nginx server. 1 Preliminary Note. In this tutorial I want to set up a small apt repository for the nginx packages that I built in the tutorial Using ngx_pagespeed With nginx On Debian Jessie/testing As you may already know, Debian Multimedia contains unofficial applications, that could not be added to the official Debian repos because they are released under proprietary licence. This guide works for Debian Sid, Debian Wheezy, Debian Squeeze and Debian Jessie (testing). How to install the Debian Multimedia Repository on Debian: 1.

Overview. Artifactory supports Debian repositories whether they use the current Automatic Debian architecture or the deprecated Trivial architecture. As a fully-fledged Debian repository, Artifactory generates index files that are fully compliant with Debian clients.

Debian “wheezy” Release Information. Debian 7.11 was released June 4th, 2016. Debian 7.0 was initially released on May 4th, 2013. The release included many major changes, described in our press release and the Release Notes. Debian 7 has been superseded by Debian 8 (jessie). Wheezy also benefits from Long Term Support (LTS) until the end of In a recent bug report John notes that the Debian old-old-stable (7/Wheezy) and old-stable (8/Jessie) backports apt repositories have now been archived. Ideally v13.x & v14.x TurnKey users are advised to update/migrate their data to the relevant current v15.x release of their appliance. Debian officially contains only free software, but non-free software can be downloaded and installed from the Debian repositories. Debian includes popular free programs such as LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Evolution mail, K3b disc burner, VLC media player, GIMP image editor, and Evince document viewer. Debian is a popular choice for View package lists View the packages in the stable distribution This is the latest official release of the Debian distribution. This is stable and well tested software, which changes only if major security or usability fixes are incorporated.