What if you already have Dropbox on your computer? No problem, you can move the Dropbox folder onto the encrypted drive: right-click on the Dropbox icon displayed in the taskbar notification area, choose Preferences, and then click on the Move button: Dropbox will move the folder to the encrypted …

Because Dropbox encrypts everything you upload and download over a secure HTTPS connection, your files should be secure. You should note, however, that Dropbox’s mobile app doesn’t use an encrypted connection, so be careful not to upload sensitive files from your phone over an open Wi-Fi connection, and make sure who you’re sending it to How to encrypt your cloud storage for free | PCWorld Sep 25, 2012 File encryption fails? Solved - Windows 10 Forums

How to Password Protect Dropbox Links, Files and Folders

Mar 08, 2019

My solution: (1) Create an encrypted virtual drive ** (2) Place your dropbox folder in that encrypted virtual drive. (3) When you are done for the day (or leave your desk), dismount the encrypted virtual drive. When you dismount the drive, dropbox automatically stops running! If my computer is lost or stolen, no one can access my encrypted data

Dropbox - ArchWiki Create a folder. Files you want synced to Dropbox will go in here. $ mkdir ~/Private Run the following and enter a password when asked: $ encfs ~/Dropbox/Encrypted ~/Private Your secure folder is ready for use; creating any file inside ~/Private will automatically encrypt it into ~/Dropbox/Encrypted, which will then be synced to your cloud storage. Dropbox Encryption: Encrypted Cloud Storage - Linux ~/Dropbox/.encrypted – is the hidden folder where you will store encrypted versions of your files. The encrypted content of this folder will be synced by Dropbox. ~/DropboxDecrypted – is the folder (mount point) with decrypted versions of your files. Important: Do not create files directly in ~/Dropbox/.encrypted! The content of this folder How to Password Protect Dropbox Links, Files and Folders May 24, 2015