2010-11-2 · 服务器 的的静态路由也可以通过使用in.routed在 文件 /etc/gateways中定义,当使用静态路由时,在内核中的路由表在 系统 启动时被定义,并且通常不会改变,除非使用route或ifconfig 命令修改。当 …

Solaris Networking - Clemson 2012-3-9 · solaris$ route get google.com route to: yw-in-f99.1e100.net destination: default mask: default gateway: interface: e1000g0 flags: recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,ms rttvar,ms hopcount mtu expire 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 0 How to add a Static Route (persistent) in Sun Solaris To add a Static Route in Sun Solaris operating system, you can use the route command. This will dynamically update the Kernel IP Routing table. However, when a server is restarted, these routes will be lost. To prevent this from happening, add a startup script S76static-routes with all the route commands for the static route that needs to persist. Solaris修改主机名和IP地址_Solaris_操作系统_脚本 … 2008-9-8 · 然后重新启动系统,或者用ifconfig 来添加临时的IP地址.用route add default xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 这篇文章主要介绍了Solaris系统与Linux系统常用命令的区别,Linux作为Unix的仿制品,其命令会与作为Unix发行版的Solaris有诸多相同点,而本文则关注它们的相异之处,

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The route can be defined online also using routeadd command but the changes will be lost on reboot .To make changes permanent make sure to put an entry in /etc/defaultrouter. #route add default 1 #route change default 1. The 1 at the end is the number of hops to the next gateway. SOLARIS does not route hi, i installed solaris 9 on an SPARC server with two network interfaces. behind each interface is a small lan. i can reach every computer in every lan using one of the other interface when i am logged in the solaris. but if a computer from one lan has to connect to a computer on the other lan, Here is how you might remove the route by using the route command (from the net-tools package): route del -net netmask And here is how you might delete the same route using the ip command (from the iproute2 package): ip route del


AIX also has "traceroute" command, on Solaris if you have a quad ethernet (qfe0,qfe1,qfe2,qfe3) Solaris at boot will use /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname.qfeX (X=0 to 3), to configure them, so you should create files if they don't exist, i.e if your qfe0 will be hostname "myhost-qfe0" with ip do the following: Feb 21, 2008 · Solaris has routeadm command which is used to administer system-wide configuration for IP forwarding and routing. IP forwarding is the passing of IP packets from one network to another; IP routing is the use of a routing protocol to determine routes. Jun 09, 2009 · Dear all, i just want to add one static route for new ip segment in solaris 9 but it's not working. root@server# route add -netmask 255.25 Jul 01, 2019 · Soliris official prescribing information for healthcare professionals. Includes: indications, dosage, adverse reactions, pharmacology and more. As of Solaris 10 10/09, when a zone stops, the default route is not deleted. Default routes on the same datalink and IP subnet are shared across non-global zones. If a non-global zone is on the same datalink and subnet as the global zone, default route(s) configured for one zone will apply for all other zones on that datalink and IP subnet. Linux is free and easily available as it is platform-independent. Solaris is an operating system based on UNIX OS. Solaris was written in C and C++ language. Solaris has supported the SPARC and Power PC platforms. Solaris was created with the concept of open source and incorporated the source code including libraries, commands, and kernel. Linux Oracle Solaris is the trusted business platform that you depend on. Oracle Solaris 11 gives you consistent compatibility, is simple to use, and is designed to always be secure. We’ve been designing the OS for for more than two decades, always ensuring that we’ve engineered in features to meet