Nov 30, 2014 · EU Competition Law, Regulation and the Internet. The Case of Net Neutrality brings clarity and comprehension to the important area of net neutrality. Katerina Maniadaki's considered approach of the role of EU Competition Law provides essential guidance to the assumption that competition law can address these issues and to what extent.

Aug 26, 2017 · The EU’s net neutrality and data privacy rules are born out of the simple necessity to provide a uniform legal structure across the EU Member States which, in turn, allows for uniformity in Dec 08, 2017 · The concept of net neutrality contends that there should be equal access to everything on the internet, regardless of whether it's in regard to a small business owner or large company. May 03, 2019 · The EU’s net neutrality law has been in place for more than two years, and the European Commission has scheduled to review its implementation in 2019. Policymakers promised that the law would bring more innovation and protect end user rights, but it appears that the law is doing the opposite. The final version of the EU Net Neutrality Regulation was agreed in November 2015. One of the areas of the Regulation that drew attention in the UK was that the Regulation would disallow the parental/adult filters the UK ISPs had been encouraged by the UK Government to roll out to their customers.

The regulation, which requires approval from parliament and member states, would commit the EU to reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The draft law enshrines the EU plan to achieve “climate neutrality by 2050,” Elisa Ferreira, the commissioner in charge of supporting poorer regions of the bloc, tweeted on Wednesday.

The basic framework of net neutrality in the European Union (EU) is laid down by Article 3 of EU Regulation 2015/2120. However, the regulation's text has been criticized as offering loopholes that can undermine the regulation's effectiveness. Some EU member countries, such as Slovenia and the Netherlands, have stronger net neutrality laws. Net neutrality refers to a debate about the way that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) manage the data or ‘traffic’ carried on their networks when data is requested by broadband subscribers (known as “end-users” under EU law) from providers of content, applications or services (CAPs) such as YouTube or Spotify, as well as when traffic

Net neutrality law adopted by European Parliament - BBC News takes an in-depth look at net neutrality, not only explaining what it is, but also how it's implemented (or not) around the world. Expect Ajit Pai, the FCC, the CRTC, the EU and All you need to know about Net Neutrality rules in the EU